Structural Analyzes
Structural analysis and calculations, which will form the basis for the design activities of the experimental setup and models to be used in the experiments, are carried out within ITUKAT. In this context, displacement (sensitivity) and strength-stress analyses, free and forced vibration analyzes within the framework of fluid-structure interaction, as well as flow-induced vibration controls in the presence of high-speed flow or delicate structures are performed. In forced vibration analyses, nominal and oscillating fluid forces and tunnel movements are taken into account, and nominal and oscillating displacements on the model are determined.
The potential tasks include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Static and dynamic strength / deformation analysis
- Fluid-structure interaction analyzes
- Estimation of wet frequency and mode shapes
- Forced vibration analysis, deformation amplitude estimation
- Dynamic structural stability analysis
- High deformation analyzes of additive manufacturing parts

Istanbul Technical University
Ayazaga Campus